Firebase Remote Config with Swift

Make your mobile app remotely configurable with Firebase Remote Config and you will be able to remotely enable or disable app UI elements, images, texts, labels and even change app behavior when needed. And all of it without a need to release a new version of the app to the app store and wait for users to download an update.

In this blog post, I am going to share with you a few video tutorials that will help you set up Firebase Remote Config in your iOS app built with Swift and start using Firebase Remote Config to create configuration parameters which you can update remotely and thus make changes in the app without making user to download a new update.

Below are just a few videos. There are many more videos I have recorded on Firebase and Swift and you can find them here: Firebase and Swift: Practical examples.

Firebase Remote Config with Swift. Short Introduction.

Add Firebase Remote Config Support to Xcode Project

 Setting Default Configuration Values

Setting up Remote Config Parameters in Firebase Console

Fetch and Activate Remote Config Values

The example demonstrated in this video tutorial fetches and activates Firebase Remote Config parameters which are going to be cached for 12 hours. If you make a new change in an existing remote config parameter before 12 hours pass, users of your mobile app will not see it. About 12 hours will need to pass before they can see an updated value.

During the app development, you can enable the Developer Mode which will enable you to make the cache expire immediately and thus be able to see the updated values. Watch my other videos in Firebase and Swift: Practical examples to learn how to do it.

I hope these few videos will help you get started with Firebase Remote Config.

If you are interested to learn more about Firebase, have a look at the below-listed video courses.